Against article China after Covid by Wang Xiuying

Shine again
2 min readOct 15, 2020

A letter to London Review of Books


I have something to say to
“We can always claim that we prefer our competent dictator to the wannabe incompetent dictator in the US. China’s promotion of order, stability, meritocracy, competence, efficiency and convenience looks increasingly superior to the Western package” .
China looks like this, but actually, it achieve this by sacrifice common people’s sake. One fact is that the news are heavily censored. In my small town, all the people found with COV-19 virus are been arrested and put in the middle of nowhere, nearly no medical aids at all. But this will never be reported.
You may wonder why it is not reported. China communist Party Secretary of city or province has the biggest power of the city or province. Every one of them want to go higher position to get more money. Each level of leaders has no supervisor that have the equal power to restrict the leader. TVs and newspapers that don’t dare to report anything that affect big leader’s government. Actually, everyone is tied together.
Beijing and Shanghai are two exceptions, people there have better situation, but they cannot represent most people. maybe because there’re many foreigners so the leaders are afraid of they see and report to foreign countries.
The facts are so many, if you listen to a person that has relation with higher power position in China. One of my home town friend, his house was forced teared down with a compensation that only support him buying half of apartment at lowest price. This kind of thing happens to almost all villages that are not very developed. The radical reason is that the land is owned by government, not individual people, so CCP can do everything, and no media can report this.
Wang Xiuying, she may know lots of theory, but she definitely don’t know most of Chinese people’s lives.
I will leave no name, address or phone number, because I think this kind of article can be published, either you don’t know China at all, or someone of your group member is corrupted by CCP. I’m not kidding, CCP leaders are really rich far more than you can imagine, they can buy most of people if they want. Here are the facts that high leaders control every profitable area in China (Chinese version, sorry): . But almost all people on the map, you can search their info on Google.

Best regards,
Truth Matters

